Thursday, January 2, 2014

Maddening Inspiration

I've known I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome for about two years now, but I am just now finding out what it means beyond "it's hard to lose weight" and "it's difficult to get pregnant." That's basically what my doctor told me about because those were the symptoms I complained about, but even then I feel like he left a lot out. He certainly didn't tell me that I should see a nutritionist about working out a diet or that if I don't get it under control I not only have to worry about infertility, but also developing heart disease, diabetes II, and high blood pressure. All he told me was "diet and exercise" and that's basically been his mantra over the last two years.
"Diet and Exercise."
"Diet and Exercise."
"Diet and Exercise."
Well, I have both dieted and exercised and still struggle to lose 10 lbs. It's stressful which doesn't help the situation much and eventually just leads to lapsing into bad habits just to relieve some of the pressure I put on myself.

Finally, I had enough. I went searching for a small detail that I wouldn't expect a family doctor to know about the disease. What I found out is that my family doctor either knew next to nothing or didn't feel the need to share. Either way, I'm pretty sure years of stress could've been avoided (and I could possibly have had a baby by now) if my doctor had said, "Here's what I know about PCOS, but there are many aspects I'm not familiar with. You should probably do some research."

In any case, I thought this was how I wanted to start my New Year. I decided that not only was I ready to lose the weight and start feeling healthy, but that I wanted to share my progress and some of the stuff I learn about this disease. Hopefully, someone out there who feels a little naive about the subject (like I do right now) will find comfort and hope from this blog. I also hope that this will help keep me motivated because there will be pictures on here of my "before" soon.